

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Virtual Soccer Camp Wednesday Session


After Tuesday's main session in the morning, one more session began at 6 p.m. and lasted a little over an hour. The session started with a Nearpod trivia game led by Kristin Van Lenten. Afterwards everyone was split up into breakout rooms to spend time with each other virtually.


Jeremy Good led the singing with Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord and Blessed Be Your Name.

Check out his recording on our YouTube Channel here:


Diego Mendieta was the speaker again on Wednesday. Before Diego gave his message, Dirk Hinnenthal introduced himself, his family and their ministry in Uruguay. He also went over some World Cup soccer facts.

Diego's message began with a video about the leper healed by the Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 8:1-4.

After discussing the healed leper, Diego played a video he recorded that discussed God's perfect design, the broken world we live in due to sin and how the Lord Jesus is the only answer in this broken world in which we live.

Diego continued by comparing the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-31, Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 18:18-30) to Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10). The rich young ruler made the mistake of choosing his riches over Jesus, while Zacchaeus decided to make Jesus the focal point of his life instead of his riches.

Diego also spoke about the thief on the cross who declared Jesus as Lord in his final moments of life (Luke 23:39-43). The thief spent the earlier portion of his time on the cross insulting Jesus (Matthew 27:43-44), but went a completely different direction as his time on Earth dwindled. Jesus told the thief he would see him again that day in paradise, proving that salvation comes from trusting in Jesus and His work on the cross and is not the result of doing good deeds, being baptized or anything else we can do on our own.

Diego ended his message with Proverbs 23:18: "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."

Check out Diego's message on our YouTube Channel here:


John Jones and Mark Pennisi discussed a shooting drill which they had a group of guys from camp demonstrate. John mentioned how passing and shooting go hand-in-hand, as a shot is simply a pass in the net.

The drill involved players making a couple of passes before a teammate took a shot at a wall. John noted that the rule of shooting is "Inside the 18, pass it in. Outside the 18, blast it in."

Lisa Agate discussed two shooting drills that her sons Robby, Max and Ethan demonstrated.

The first drill was a team power-finesse drill that involved a player in a coach position feeding balls to players on two lines which are far out from the net. They would take a long-distance power shot to the net and then a short-distance finesse shot. Another player would act as the goalie inside the net. When done by an entire team, the drill would be a competitive one between the two lines of players. Whoever misses both shots gets eliminated and whichever line scores the most goals would win.

The second drill was another team shooting drill that separated players into two teams. The first team would run past a line of cones before taking a shot on net. The second team would act as the goalkeepers. After the wave of shooting and defending is finished, the teams would switch roles. The team with the most points in the end would be the winners.


Hazel Montes discussed the craft for Wednesday which was fluffy slime. The slime could be made using Elmer’s Glue, baking soda, acrylic paint, shaving cream and contact lens solution. The campers would mix together the glue and baking soda in a bowl before adding around a teaspoon of acrylic paint. They would then add about three cups of shaving cream and stir it in well. After the shaving cream, they would add two tablespoons of contact lens solution and stir to get their final product.


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1


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