

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Soccer Camp 2021 Kicks Off!

Soccer Camp 2021 has begun!

The campers arrived at the grounds throughout the afternoon on Sunday where they were assigned to their cabins. They had a few hours where they could get to know one another and play some informal soccer.

For dinner, the campers enjoyed a nice Italian feast: Pasta and meatballs with Italian music playing in the background.

A couple of hours later, Soccer Camp had its official introduction ceremony of Olympic proportions!

A torch was passed from one to another before getting down to the soccer field. From there the torch carrier rode on the back of a truck carrying four countries' flags. The truck followed a progression of campers who carried multiple other countries' flags up to the chapel.

In the chapel Harry Neil introduced some of the staff members. The campers also had some worship time to the Lord as they sang Lighthouse, Blessed Be Your Name, and How Great Thou Art.

The campers look forward to their first full day of camp on Monday!


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