

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Soccer Camp 2024 Thursday Recap

 You'd think that by Thursday at a week-long camp, activities and energy would slow down, right? Not at Soccer Camp!

The campers began their day as usual with a prayer, the pledge of allegiance, breakfast, and quiet time.

Around 9:15am the morning chapel service began. The worship included Lay Me Down, Lord I Need You, Here I Am to Worship, and Fear is a Liar.

Joe Wilbur spoke about salvation, and how Scripture states that it is by faith alone that we are saved. While many confuse James' writings to mean we are saved by our works, instead James is telling us that talk is cheap. People may make professions of faith, but that doesn't mean they actually possess that faith. Lack of works in a person who professes faith likely means they don't have faith altogether. Joe then went to Genesis 22 to show a genuine example of faith through Abraham.

The skill training for Thursday combined all three of the previous skills (i.e. passing, dribbling, and shooting).

Skill training was followed by grilled chicken and fries for lunch, as well as some rest time.

After a time of rest, it was once again a time for soccer. The campers returned to the soccer fields at 2:15pm for Dutch Futbol.

Free time was another hour-and-a-half filled with fun activities, including swimming, volleyball, archery, canoeing, fishing, and more.

In the evening, the campers made their way to the dining hall for a dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.

After dinner, our international matches kicked off.

The annual camper versus counselor match also took place, with the counselors winning 5-2.

Finally, we had our evening chapel service. Everyone sang Graves Into Gardens, This Is Amazing Grace, Promises, and Build My Life. Joe then continued his thoughts from earlier on Genesis 22. Joe spoke on how Abraham not only expressed genuine faith, but also showed genuine worship by following the Lord's instructions.

Just one day to go at Soccer Camp. May the Lord work mightily in the lives of the campers with the little time we have remaining!


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