

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Soccer Camp 2022 Sunday Recap

Soccer Camp 2022 kicked off on Sunday! The campers filed in throughout the afternoon where they signed in and settled into their cabins.

Although it wasn't a full day, the campers still were able to get some activities in. Campers interested in swimming this week had a chance to take a swimming test for access to the deep end of the pond.

For dinner, the campers were treated to the camp's annual Sunday meal of choice: pasta and meatballs.

A little bit after dinner the campers enjoyed some time playing soccer.

The campers closed out their first day at the chapel. They worshiped the Lord through song, heard an introductory message from speaker James Clifford, and were formally introduced to all the counselors by director Harry Neil.

Some campers traveled from long distances and will be getting well-deserved rest before an eventful first full day of Soccer Camp on Monday.


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Welcome to Soccer Camp 2022!!!

 Are you ready for Soccer Camp 2022?

 We are ready for an amazing week at Camp Iroquoina for Soccer Camp 2022!

Boys Camp completed their two weeks of camp on Saturday morning and the Soccer Camp staff came in right as they were leaving to prepare for the exciting week ahead of us!

After a full day of preparation on Saturday, all the staff gathered this morning to remember our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in one accord through a breaking of bread service. Jesus was our center this morning and is the center of Soccer Camp 2022.

This morning final preparations were made, and campers are now arriving and getting settled.

Follow along with us here on our blog throughout the week for updates on all things Soccer Camp 2022! You can also follow along with us at our social media accounts listed below!

Please keep us in prayer that this week would be fun, safe, and glorifying to the Lord!


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